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Check out docs:blackbox-x32:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
I don't think public can view Release drafts on github?...
OpenBuilds CONTROL V1.0.371 should be released shortly (some time this week) Changelog: v1.0.371: (Unreleased): - Fixed Issue #257 Changed Arc...
Which works for your files, because they were created as 90dpi But mine is created as 96dpi, and then its wrong if I change the last "else" and...
Just dont short V+ to GND, even with a TVS thats a gamble, so just (: DONT (:
Shouldn't be needed anymore its only purpose is to protect BlackBox from operator mistakes. You had it so long by now surely all your wiring is...
No you didn't misrepresent anything, I just haven't been able to dig in so was just doing some sideline research. Pt is the outlier though (96 vs...
There is a testing access point saved (last used in factory to test) that might be slow if never configured. Speed up is perhaps a firmware update...
try theoretical number first, if still stuck post a Grbl Settings backup for review
You could, I would just use the jog buttons. Set zero and then jog 3x100s + 6x 10s (DRO will show 360) - did it do 360deg? (Or type 360 and then...
Start with calculating the theoretical numbers Motor, probably 200 steps per rotation BlackBox = 1/8th microstepping. 8*200 = 1600 steps per...
Ok thanks for confirming. Contact the store via Support > New Ticket for further assistance
Expecting Normally Closed switch, so must be wired up. Same for any NC device (probes and endstops too)
Not sure what you need. You mention switch was removed? Lets clarify. With DOOR firmware, switch must be HOOKED UP and CLOSED (if switch is...
Thats correct. Pause in grbl does not hand control back to the user (too risky) Stop, and resume from line only way
Do try flashing again, just to be sure. Then also remember to restart CONTROL so it comes up fresh without the door status checks.
Typing into the DRO and pressing Shift+Enter sets current position to entered value. [ATTACH]
Thanks for the suggestion. Will log enhancement request disable arrows on jog sliders · Issue #353 · OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-CONTROL