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So how are you controlling a laser if you need 12 volts to the laser? Are you using an external relay and power supply? I was hoping to try it...
Thanks that got it close and then I tweaked the numbers a bit to get it right on
That got it close but my steps are off and I need to adjust so it would be nice to know what others are using. For example my X axis if off by...
Does anyone have these Acro and Xpro V3 grbl settings? They no longer seem to be main acro page
Can someone post up a small gcode test file that I can run on my laser? I'd like to send something and know that it is a working file. I'm using...
How many ton press brake did it take to bend those legs?
Thanks. I'm needing to mark the aluminum. Labels on a control panel.
What laser do I need for etching on aluminum? I plan on anodizing the aluminum and spraying it with CerMark Metal Laser Marking Spray. I don't...
Do you move it by hand or will you be powering it with motors to unroll and hold tension?
Automatic flatbed sprayer made using Openbuilds rails and wheels. Custom designed plates and electronics to drive it. Off the shelf pump and...
mcbuilder22 published a new build: Automatic spray machine. Read more about this build...
It turns out one of my motor drivers was going bad and that was causing the jamming issue. Swapped a new motor driver in and it's back to cutting...
I think you'd need to make it taller to fit that deep of a mold. Rigidity is the biggest issue with aluminum cutting. Mine worked well for quite...
Looks cool. Can you be more specific about which laser to buy that you're using. I'm completely new to lasers and would like the first try to...
Any Updates?
1) 30 inches by 30 inches. 6061. Coast Aluminum | They have a local warehouse 2) 15mmx30mm x 1 meter long. Bought it on
I just checked and the brushes appear to have a lot of life left. However, I ordered a replacement pack to have on hand. They are very easy to...
I really appreciate the heads up on this. I hadn't thought about it, just figured these things would run longer than that. Do you have a link to...
Yes, some of my parts I'm bending so that is why I use 5052. Good to know about the Dewalt, I've got to be getting close to those numbers in...
I'd like to get my hands on one of these for my C-beam "2XL" machine. Good work