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Do all my settings look correct to you peter? Getting ready now to change all the limit switches. Let you know how I make out, wish me luck!!
All are plugged in correctly. I tested each one, and x and y are non responsive. Must be a GRBL setting I have input incorrectly.
$0=10 ; Step pulse time, microseconds $1=255 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask $3=5 ; Step direction invert,...
Hello guys just back from a work trip, Wondering if you can assist again. Replaced my Z axis micro limit switch and it is working when...
KeyParameterValueUtility $0Step pulse time, microseconds µs $1Step idle delay, milliseconds ms $2Step pulse invert, mask mask $3Step direction...
Hello Alex and Peter, I am scratching my head. Still can not get the machine to home properly. Z-axis goes up past where it should and Shudders..I...
Guys, thanks for your help. I read up again on writing G-code as I did not use the machine in several years, that helped. I did need to invert the...
Alex, I was reading a thread where you were helping a woman named Gina. I saw that Z- the router should move down. When I jog mine Z+ moves down....
Thanks guys.
G0 Z5; move to z-safe height Plunges instead of moving up to safe height
So, after watching the machine run for awhile I noticed The Z axis lowers instead of raising when not cutting a part of the image and eccentiall...
I think my problem is setting up the machine Zero point at the Z axis.
Hello, Peter. Hope you can help. Running my first project ... Router plunges into material deeper then I have my passes set at (2mm). Basically...
Peter, thank you soooo much, I know it was something simple I was forgetting. Got the machine going, now I just need to figure out setting up my...
Hello, I purchased and was using my Workbee 1510 right before Covid. Used it for a handful of projects and had to move. I just pulled it back out...