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where do I find the latest firmware for INTERFACE CNC Touch?
Thanks, I think it’s slowly making sense to me.. I will do some more work on it tomorrow and see how I go. Thanks again.
Thanks! So to confirm.. I should re wire the motors, and change the control software to swop directions. And still use software for all calibration..?
Hi, I am setting up my INTERFACE CNC Touch and so far so good..except the x axis goes left when I press right and right when I press left… the Y...
I think I was reading an old post...
How can I tell which version of the "BlackBox" I have? and does it matter?
Has anyone tried a WIFI USB stick? I believe you can transfer files to it from your computer...
So far so good! New driver! New cable! New ballasts…
I will check this out, and see if it helps too..
is there recommended distance for the laptop and blackbox to be from the CNC machine.. my laptop and blackbox are about 2 feet away from the Cnc...
Hi Peter, thanks for the reply.. I suspected there might be interference.. so I moved the USB cable away and use a ferrite on the cable.. it does...
I have recently moved from a "Crashing" and "Problematic" Windows PC to a MacBook Air for running the control software. The MacBook is dedicated...
Thanks, I will check all these things!
Thanks, for the replies! I dont think I explained it very well. If I set a 0 point somewhere on the table.. and the send the machine home, it goes...
yes. I know.. but the reference is wrong...
Hi, I have been using my OX Cnc machine for a year or two.. but never used the HOME function. I decided to finally set it up and connect the...
Thanks. yes I assume there is something wrong with windows.. every night when I put the computer to sleep, it wakes up the next morning frozen and...
I have a Windows laptop dedicated to running Openbuilds Control. It works well, however windows being windows it needs restarting almost every...
I use the GRBL export and create a .nc file, then I open the file in a text editor and replace the following code at the head of the file:...