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Did not work. I tried it. Thank you for your help. I will just go back to my old 4X.
Is there any word on a fix or something I need to try.
What do you think is my problem. I have checked and rechecked the wiring. Everything checks to have good continuity from one end to the next.
Yes, to both. If I started up cold, power everything on run my homing sequence and then attempt to find my start Location using my XYZ probe...
as soon as I turn it back on.
I hope this is what you need. When I turned the power back on it wants to find the Z Hight and then stopped. So I ran it one more time and got the...
Here are the X32 settings. I attempted to redo the XYZ probe and it wont repeat. It never moves now. just sit over the start point. wires all...
Ok, I will do that in the morning.
Here is what I'm working with. I changed nothing from one black box to the next. Im lost..... At this point it will not move at all. I dont know...
I did that. When I click the probe action button nothing happens. Then it pops error code for XYZ NEEDS VALUE G65 I think.
SO..... installed new black box x32. set the settings to lead 1515 now it will not home from the xyz block. anything I missed?
I reset the op systems settings and it fixed it. Thank you for you quick response.
Well here we go again. I turned on my 1515 about 10 minutes ago and hit home. Would not run test. Gave a fault code of "Numeric value format is...
WELL thank you so much for all the help. I read it and attempted to understand it the best I could. From what I gathered is 1 Vector has a problem...
It drops in the stars on in the center of the badge. Also I changed all setting back to where the were to start.
Okay. Im looking for some help with the same problem, but I'm using Vcarve Pro and OP post. I have cut this same file about 20 times only smaller....
Also light comes on when it hits the probe. Just does not stop.
note taken. will try with a different bit.
So Im just starting out and learning as I go. I having a problem with the XYZ probe. I use the wizard to set it up, hit start and it will move the...