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Ok I got my relay working so I can turn off and on my spindle from my MPG or MAC 3 program . The problem is I cant. get either including the VFD...
Your are so right. I have spent 3 weeks trying to figure this out . I read the manual over countless times but I miss read the Pd002 parameter as...
I will check again. Thank for the post
I thought that is if I am running an external potentiometer. I will eventually right now I'm trying to just be able to run it with the...
The manual specifically says for external use and for iVFD pod use the settings are as follows Pd001 set at 0 for VFD use and 1 for MPG use PD002...
I have been trying to get my VFD pot to adjust the speed of my spindle. Once I get that to work I would like to get a hand held. First things...
Get an error when I try to REF ALL HOME. it says "Home axis home switch is active". I am using my limit switches as my home switch and none of...
I was able to solve it using mach3 configuration . I did not click on the slave for the A axis
Right now I have 2 motors hooked up to my "Y" axis. both are running independently of each other. when I jog my y axis using my "Y" driver the...
[QUOTE="Dancook, post: 136258, member: 201751 well. You did it I now have both motors running and changing directions.all I had to do was reverse...
I’m about ready to sell the whole thing and just give it up. I know the power side and I know the pulse side or where the signal comes from and...
The only wires that are different on my drivers A and Y are on the power side B+ and B- are flipped on the A driver. The wires from the motors...
When I looked at my A driver and the PL and DR wires(red,white) are exactly the same as the Y driver when plugged into the bob board. The Board is...
I take it that they will run square with each other as well or will I have to step one up? I’m using the same nema motors
I do think I can use smaller wire like you said an accomplish what I want without splitting my power to each stepper and my burn up my driver by...
Well reading up on blackbox32 it only can run on a 32 bit system cost 239.00 + another laptop ,say 200 .roughly 500.00 . Adjustment in Mach config...
If I went that rout I would have to change my laptop to a 32 bit instead of my 64 bit. I’m going to try to contact Mach3 and see if I’m missing...
If that is the case how do I run 2 wires into the same plug-in when there is only room for one wire