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Hi I have been having similar problems loading control on my HP Laptop running Win 10 Have found that if I use the ^ from the task bar and Right...
thanks I did not know that can you explain more please
Yes had the same problem found a solder joint under some heat shrink on the back of a plug faulty Thanks for the help as usual
Hi me again my replacment Blackbox X32 has arrived so I am back trying to set things up still having issues with opening a DXF file from Turbocad,...
Hi to all on this forum I have contacted the store and they have despatched a new box What fantastic service from this forum and the store It is...
Thank you will do
Hi all last ditch attemp to get this thing to work can any one see why it will not enitialise my motor drivers see attached file $0=10.0 ; Step...
X32 The power switch does not work either, but that is not a great issue I just switch off the 24 volt power supply
Thanks David I have tried everything nothing works I can not get the motor drivers to activate I am going to give it away and look for another...
thanks will try that or should I erase the Eprom first and start a fresh
Hi David sorry for a silly question I am having similar problems when you say in step 5 to to turn OFF homing how do I do this , at $22 , what...
one more thing that may not be relevent is the power switch on the box will not turn off, I have to shut down the power supply. Thanks Ian R Australia
Hi checked poer supply before pluging in for 24 Volt and polarity checked wiring on motors OK Flashed firmware as suggested Still can not get any...
Just powered up my Balckbox32 for the first time I think I have destroyed it My machine is a home buitl unit I have run with an old controller...
Thank you your support on this forum is amazing I am so glad i purchased the Black Box My 24 volt power supply has finaly arrived so i will now be...
Hi me again my home built CNC plasma cutter uses NC limit switches so if any wire breakes etc it goes into error. I see Openbuilds uses NO...
Hi again my CNC Plasma is a DYI unit I built my self I have been using Mach3 and in there you can calibrate the axis with the number of steps per...
Thank you for the reply will see what Turbocad offers for this
Hi Alex Thank you for that No I was not doing that but will give it a try I have been using Estalcam and it accepts my files from Turbocad with...
Hi I am new to Openbuilds Cam When I try to open a .DXF file I have created in Turbocad I get this message " an unknow error occured:Type Error:...