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Where is what I found out on replacement bristles It can be purchased through KentCNC the openbuilds dust...
I need to replace Bristles on dust shoe but do not see them in the parts store. Any recommendation on where to buy..
lead 1010 with X32 - strange thing I reinstalled v1.0.388 - removed the bit, and ran it, no pause will do more testing this week
I reinstalled v1.0.136 - ran the same gcode file with no pause. The only issue I had was the zero for xy was off. Used the probe to zero for...
after upgrading - my machine also freezes, hitting pause then run allows it to continue for a short time, the freezes again - backing out the...
I run the G-Penny 65mm, water cooled, 1.5kW VFD controlled spindle on one of my CNCs The only think I dont like is that is uses a smaller...
I run openbuilds control and lightburn on a cheep Windows 10 desktop computers, with a touch screen you could use the RPI instead of the windows...
I first used a CNC machine at Techshop they had a Shopbot CNC. When Techshop Pittsburgh closed I decided to go in house. The first one I purchased...
>> Thanks I dont use F360 much what are you using ? I use Vectric Aspire and you can do tapesplit with the Vectric software as well. Splitting...
Grounding X1 puts the spindle into run mode, The H100 needs two inputs, X1/Gnd for run mode and then the PWM to set the speed it is possible to...
I ordered the second one the cheaper one and will test it in a couple of days
looks like it is the USB cable from the control PC to X32, if I disconnect the usb then the probe works correctly So do I Cut the ground on the...
My solution was a 3 phase Rotary Changeover Switch, VFD - off - Laser switches hot, neutral and ground so that when using the laser there is no...
When V1.0.379 is ready to test, you can send me a link and I will install and test it for you
Downgraded to V1.0.376 and working again
My windows 11 PC downloaded and installed V1.0.138 today, now my machine lead 1010 with X32 will no longer jog, message when jogging - "Please...
I have a PC running windows 11 pro, and openbuilds control USB connected to my lead 1010 X32 I use one drive to replicate files to it, I have a...
>> * Note, might want to make it 120hz / 7200 rpm - can burn spindle windings if spun too slow Noted,,, will change it tonight >> 1800 or 18000?...
I got my X32 working with the H100 last night, Here is how I did it 1) Need a working VFD/H100 - manual control (Run stop, speed set with...
Peter, Thank you... Need to start reading Grbl settings..... Still a lot to learn..