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I have a big problem with the homing command.... when I do homing command... and the machine reach the first limitswitch, everything stop...
I have a good idear.... I need a professional guy how can fix the most important stuff on my "ox cnc " .... (Vienna / Austria/Europe) I invite...
Thank you Justin Time! Yes thats I am looking for.... I use "universal gcode sender" and RhinoCam for Rhinoceros 5.0..... When I understand...
Thanks David, Yes this help me a lot!:thumbsup: Last Question: How do I setup the distance to the workpiece during milling process? When I do...
Hi, I finished my OX CNC-Machine (1000 mm x 1500 mm x 250 mm ) half a year ago.... Now my biggest problem is to setup the mill-endpoint to...
Hi, I finished my CNC - OX (1000 x 15000 x 250 ) half a year ago.... Now my biggest problem is to setup the mill-endpoint to the table and...
Hello CNC - community , I just intalled the limit switches a few days ago.... when I do homing and the machine reach the end of the axis (limit...
Thanks for your reply! I use the CNC xPRO Controller V2 and Universal G-Code Sender... :rolleyes:
Can I plug the xbee on the board to set up the higher baudrate? because I dont have a xbee usb-explorerboard to connect the H-05 modul with my...
Totday I got my HC-05 XBee Bluetooth Module!:) I pluged the XBee on the CNC-Xpro but there is no Bluetooh-signal??:( Do I have to enable somthing...
Hello PuntoMX, I have the same problem with shacking x y and z. I have the xpro board. How do I set up the pod meters for the current(do you mean...
Please I need help in GRBL Settings!! :confused: I got my OX CNC with X 1000 x Y 1500mm an 4X Motors NEMA23 one week ago from Ooznest. That is...
I need help please!! o_Oo_O I connect the xPro V2 with USB-cable to my PC.... (2 LED are lighting) I donĀ“t connect a ATX or 24V powersuply now...
When I use a ATX PSU power supply how may Watt of ATX is recommended for the xPRO V2??? My board is connected with 4x Nema 23 stepper motors......
Do you think its a good idear to make the spindleaxe bigger? sooo spindleaxe will be 1500mm and the lenghts will be 1000mm... The dimension for...
I make a quick drawing from the OX router.... I want to buy a kit with 1000mm x 1500mm ......
Hallo Larry, Wo looks very nice!! Which contollerboard and software do you use?? I can not decide between TinyG and Xpro contollerboard.....
Do anybody have expirience with RhinoCam and OpenBuild OX with Arduino GShield? I Work a lot with Rhino... I plan to buy "OpenBuild OX with...