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I will get around to posting more photos for this Blog, my build has been done and printing for months now.
Pilgrimek, I'm using NEMA 17's with a 3D printed motor mount adapter to link it to the C-Beam.
100% linear rail construction affords a greater level of modding and structural rigidity. This printer is designed with a potential integrated...
@Rick 2.0 I like where you are going with this! Tapping the plate is an idea I hadn't thought of. I wonder if the bolt head/T-nut is even...
@Rick 2.0 I wonder if I could get away with turning a custom spacer on the lathe... Still might be tricky to keep the T-nut from hitting the...
Could you please help me understand this? Shown below are two images from the sketchup belt actuator build examples. What I can't understand is...
I think I may have thought of the answer... would you wrap the belt around the 9mm spacer and then use a belt clamp?
Here is a image that I captured of the V-Slot Nema 23 actuator from the IGES/STEP part library. The image shows the belt passing through two 9mm...
Tazilla published a new build: The Tazilla is to be a very strong and adaptable 3D printing platform. This design is inspired by the Lulzbot Taz...