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Let me know I would love to see how it turns out.
It could easily be 300x300 but I have not optimized the build for that. The acrylic plate was bought from a resale shop and just fit. Using the...
No, it is closer to 250x250 mostly because I mis calculated some dimensions. I have some interference's with the z-axis shafts at the limits to...
this is a pretty old file, I hope it helps.
Let me see if I still have it. I have taken that printer apart to build a new one and put the Azteeg on a laser engraver.
6lbs 12 1/2 ozs
Looks great, let us know how it works..
I did not get the belts "piano string" tight. I just shifted the z-screw mounts outward till tight enough. Since the pulleys are high I do not...
If anyone comes here I have updated the printer by going from a dual to a signal z-axis. My z-axis was not staying horizontal. [ATTACH]
I just recently converted my dual z to a single z with dual belts and it is working out well. Disregard the outside motors they are not actually...
I should have the slt files, it has been so hot in Florida that I have not done much on my printer this summer. Give me a few days to track them...
If memory serves I believe this was done because of the holes in the plates. I have the eccentric spacers on the bottom so they fit in the larger...
I picked the Smoothieboard because I did not want to deal with the firmware. I really liked the advantage of just configuring a text file and...
Oh no not 60, almost 50. I am originally from Detroit so the cooler weather is awesome! I remember the 3 degree days. Build away, I used...
Ryan I originally twisted the belts based on Marshall Peck's write up. I believe it was to take some vibrations out of the system. I removed the...
Thanks it is printing pretty well. I am working on the bed leveling. The springs and nuts I used are not playing well together.
Update: Here is a short video of it printing a tree frog. I have not finished the extruder calibration yet but it is printing pretty good....
Yes, I am printing currently but in eye balling it I have a 27" Y axis.
No problem, tons of other stuff in there also. Some files have been updated in other links. Have fun.
Have you checked out this link. It has all the parts in Solidworks. Solidworks 2014 Parts Library | OpenBuilds