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Sorry it took so long to respond! Yes, it was completed, at least the first 2 phases... I've yet to actually mount the router head on it yet. To...
What began as a small proof of concept laser engraving build quickly flourished into a large scale multi-purpose machine. I started with a small...
I've added a parts list for this first phase, I changed a few dimensions during the build so I'll have to update the drawing soon.
Why do you say that? Are you thinking the two beams would have the potential of canceling each other out through interference? In my mind since...
Exactly, though the circuit would have to be changed for anything like this. Those two 10ohm resistors in parallel are 5ohm, even if the trim pot...
I didn't actually, well, manually only. I used an LM317K in a constant current configuration to drive the diode. In the output to adjust...
Thanks TMG. I'm working on some of the electronics in my spare time now until my parts arrive for the frame. :) My original design was a cube...
rusirius published a new build: A CNC platform designed with swapable heads to do laser engraving/etching/cutting, routing and milling, as well...