I had a problem with a previous Brain Board. Replaced both brains and muscle. All seems to be working Grbl 1.1g reporting back. I don't have any of my motors or anything attached yet as I am verifying all is ok but noticed that my fan is not running and my USB light constantly flickers red. I didnt notice that on my first Black Box before it failed. Is the fan thermostatically controlled. I have power to the box and switch on....Should the fan always come on when I power the black box? - Just tried a different 24v fan and it works - so I guess the fan is done ..??
Red doenst always mean danger! red = transmit, green = receive. As the software and grbl talks back and forth there is data going bothways. Ie normal. No, always on. Probaby got damaged by whatever wiring mistake / event damaged your controllers. Replace it please, a non working fan will cause overheating problems and potentially further damage