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24V Power Supply generating unstable 10V

Discussion in 'General Electronics' started by Cleyton Alencar, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good Morning

    I got the LED Power S-500-24 power supply for my new C-Beam machine, however when i measure the output with my multi-meter, I get an unstable read ranging from 9v to 10.5v. The power supply specs are LED Power S-500-24. AC Input 110/220v +- 15% DC output 24V 21A.

    24V/20A Power Supply

    There is a dial where you can fine tune the output voltage, but I am too way off to fine tune and the output is unstable. Also there is a 110/220v Switch, however it is located inside the housing. The web page linked above states the power supply comes set to 110V by default from factory. I don't want to open to check it, since opening the housing will break the warranty seal. I checked my outlet at home and was measuring stable 118.8v, either straight from the outlet or from an APC unit.

    Also there is a noise when the power supply is on, witch I believe that is a cable touching the fan.

    Here follows a link to a video showing what I am experiencing. Sorry about the vertical orientation in the video.

    LED Power S-500-24

    Please let me know your guys opinion about this. I am pretty new to the hobby, however I don't believe that I am making any mistake here. I think that the power supply might be damaged or maybe even set to 220v internally.

    Thank you in advance for the help.

  2. Steve Fox

    Steve Fox Well-Known

    Feb 22, 2015
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    There is a little window in the side of the case that lets you adjust the input. You don't need to open the case. The window doesn't always exactly line up with the switch, but it is there. Don't trust that it came with the default set to 110v.

    The voltage on yours changes a lot more than any of mine. I guess it could be that there is no load on it. Are you sure you have your meter set to DC? I can't tell from the video.
  3. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi Steve, thank you for the reply. The multi-meter was set correctly to DC, I just measured again just to be 100% sure, but yes, it is set to DC. My power supply looks exactly like the picture from the link I provided earlier, but in my case there is not one single opening at the sides for the voltage selection switch. The housing is 100% solid, the only openings are the back and the vents.

    I just made another video trying to highlight the multi-meter and the power supply housing. I am with you on not trusting 100% on the default voltage selection from factory, and the load not being enough to power the Power Supply. The only issue us that I cannot be sure unless I open the housing, breaking the seal in the process. I might send an e-mail to OpenBuilds Store later today if I can't make any progress.

    New and better video

    Thank you Steve
  4. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just sent an e-mail to OpenBuilds Store team. Decided to check with them if they allow me to open the housing or if we should replace the unit. Lets see !!
  5. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just as an update. Looks like the power supply is bad. Mark is already working to send me a new one.
    Again, thanks for the help.
  6. Steve Fox

    Steve Fox Well-Known

    Feb 22, 2015
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    That must be a defect in manufacturing.
    I've dealt with more than 20 of those and never seen one that didn't have a little square hole cut in the case to adjust the voltage.
    That being said, I've run into two of them that were bad.
  7. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah, looks like they are all coming with the opening in the side. OpenBuilds is sending me a new one.
    Thanks Steve for the help !!
  8. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    Better later than never.


    For 95% sure it's the coil on the output line. This coil will rip loose and break the solder points on the print (4 on each side of the coil). It's mostly due to bad handling from USPS or UPS. You can resolder the coil and all will probably fine. i've had several with the same problem as they were shipped from the USA to México.

    I've got a batch from the first shipment and they also have the switch inside the housing. Models shipped out these days have the hole for the switch.

  9. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi Ronald, thanks for the reply.

    It ended up that Mark sent me a message and OpenBuilds sent me another power supply, witch worked great right away. I just fine tuned the potentiometer to have spot on, stable 24V in the output. I tossed the first one, so I cannot check the coil, but thanks for the message. I don't know a lot of electronics and I never soldered before (I always go with the crimp), so I am glad that OpenBuilds sent me a new one instead. I would have probably damaged the power supply even more than UPS/USPS :-/

    Thanks Ronald for the help !!!
  10. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    Hello Cleyton,

    I was also way to late to post this, but now others canread it as well on how to fix this problem their selves if they want :D. Sometimes it doesn't turn out well. You could have kept the fan that was inside just in case ;); any way, it's gone now.

  11. Cleyton Alencar


    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeap. It is a good reference. I tried to find an existing thread before posting, now there is one !! Thanks man !!!
  12. Steve Fox

    Steve Fox Well-Known

    Feb 22, 2015
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    I got one with a coil that was loose. I soldered it back and when I hooked it up, it blew the fuse. I got some spare ones, but haven't gotten back to it yet. Hope that fixes it, when I can get back to it.

    I just remembered, it blew a thermistor, too. I had to wait for that one to come in.
  13. Ronald van Arkel

    Staff Member Builder Resident Builder

    May 7, 2014
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    Hello Steve,

    Those are indeed the other 5% I was talking about, sometimes they are indeed bad from the factory. The OpenBuilds team tried to get the best price/quality PSU but somehow the provider failed. I was happy when I saw them first, but when I opened up one of the PSUs it looked like it could have been better. Those PSUs we are talking about are not sold at the moment in "our" stores. There might be coming something new soon, UL listed, who knows ;).

    #13 Ronald van Arkel, Jan 26, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2016
    Mark Carew likes this.

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