I have been using GRBL (and Marlin) for a while and have finally come across a problem I can not seem to solve myself. I am building a piece of covid lab equipment using Eleksmaker laser platform for a sort of pic-n-place machine. Not sure when or how this started but movement has gotten rough and now the machine just dithers. Board is Need help in identifying connections for CNC board? so Nano based(XYY and rotary Z). This is what I have tried. Adjusted DRV8825 stepper driver current to ~700mA Reloaded GRBL 1.1f to Nano Checked all wiring Removed all limit switches Replaced stepper drivers with spare A4988's Replaced Nano with newly flashed GRBL Replaced USB cable with different one (have used both in the past without problems) Replaced 24V power supply with another one (OEM one since tested at 2.4A before dropping out of regulation so it was ok. It is rated at 2.0A) Restarted PC and Openbuilds software Slowed accel and steps per minute way down Disabled limits (I was getting limit errors) I have run out of ideas. I have not smelled any magic smoke. Any ideas? Thank you. Jeff GRBL settings: $0=10 ; Step pulse time, microseconds $1=25 ; Step idle delay, milliseconds $2=0 ; Step pulse invert, mask $3=5 ; Step direction invert, mask $4=0 ; Invert step enable pin, boolean $5=0 ; Invert limit pins, boolean $6=0 ; Invert probe pin, boolean $10=2 ; Status report options, mask $11=0.010 ; Junction deviation, millimeters $12=0.002 ; Arc tolerance, millimeters $13=0 ; Report in inches, boolean $20=0 ; Soft limits enable, boolean $21=0 ; Hard limits enable, boolean $22=0 ; Homing cycle enable, boolean $23=0 ; Homing direction invert, mask $24=25.000 ; Homing locate feed rate, mm/min $25=500.000 ; Homing search seek rate, mm/min $26=250 ; Homing switch debounce delay, milliseconds $27=1.000 ; Homing switch pull-off distance, millimeters $30=1000 ; Maximum spindle speed, RPM $31=0 ; Minimum spindle speed, RPM $32=0 ; Laser-mode enable, boolean $100=161.000 ; X-axis steps per millimeter $101=161.000 ; Y-axis steps per millimeter $102=160.000 ; Z-axis steps per millimeter $110=500.000 ; X-axis maximum rate, mm/min $111=500.000 ; Y-axis maximum rate, mm/min $112=500.000 ; Z-axis maximum rate, mm/min $120=10.000 ; X-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $121=10.000 ; Y-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $122=10.000 ; Z-axis acceleration, mm/sec^2 $130=350.000 ; X-axis maximum travel, millimeters $131=350.000 ; Y-axis maximum travel, millimeters $132=400.000 ; Z-axis maximum travel, millimeters
docs:blackbox:faq-identify-motor-coils [OpenBuilds Documentation] relates (per post title, grinding noises usually wiring) Or replace controller with a decent control system like OpenBuilds Blackbox 4x https://docs.openbuilds.com/blackbox