I'm using Sheetcam to nest parts for my plasma. I output the gcode as a .tap file. Then open it in Openbuilds Control. The 3d view shows parts interfering. I used nc viewer online and the parts don't touch. Why is the Openbuilds Control showing parts interfering? If I zoom way out, the start to spread apart and stop touching.
Viewer shows the gcode you provide. Perhaps that GCODE isn't 100% Grbl Compatible. Arcs calculating incorrectly could indicate either wrong preferred type (Grbl prefers IJK not R) or incorrect decimals etc Or its offset in Z rotate the view and check from the side too
Ok. I'll look into that. Yesterday I nested about a dozen parts and it worked fine. Today I went to cut the rest and ran into this problem.
I did some messing around. I think it's a perspective issue with the 3d viewer. I'm not sure why each part is on a different "layer." But I think that is causing the perspective view to make it appear that cuts are crossing each other. To test this, I re-ordered the parts left to right so they were closer spaced in the z axis and it kept the cut lines from appearing to cross in the 3d viewer.