I get this message shown in the attached screenshot. Is there a rule about what text characters can or can't be in the code? For now, I just remove the line manually, but it would be nice to avoid completely if possible. Thx, rink.
There are different "dialects" of g-code. It is important to use a post processor that creates g-code suitable for your c. What controller, cad/cam software and post processor are you using? Alex.
no brackets in comments! a gcode comment can be (this is a comment) or ; this is a comment therefore comments cannot contain either semicolons nor brackets, there are some other undesirable characeters too, easier to say "use plain text and numbers, no punctuation"
I'm using VCarve Desktop v11, OB control, and a PP that I got either from OB or it came with VCarve. I don't remember now. But I haven't been anywhere else to get one. There are a couple lines in the header section of the PP: "([TOOLS_USED])" "([TOOLNAME])" The TOOLSD_USED and TOOLNAME come into the PP with parentheses around the dimension. Like this: (1 = End Mill (1/4") Upcut) (End Mill (1/4") Upcut) ===>. It's the parentheses around the 1/4" that are causing the problem. When I remove those, the job runs fine. Not sure how to keep VCarve from sending the tool description over that way. Will take a look at the tool database definitions. Thx, rink.
Someone seem to have edited our post since we provided it to them (see the changelog there - after me and Ariel, someone added stuff in Jan 2024 (We don't know a R.Storey) Quick fix would be to have no tools with brackets in the name (quick edit in tool library), Grbl doesn't allow brackets inside comment brackets Can still find our old original ones at GitHub - OpenBuilds/OpenBuilds-Vectric-Postprocessor: Post Processor for Vectric Cut2D, VCarve and Aspire for use with OpenBuilds Machines running Grbl 1.1
That is weird. When I look up the Post Processor in Vectric V11 on my machine I see this: I believe it was the default. I modified my own version of it, but this is waht I based it off.
Peter: I believe you do know an R. Storey…that’s me. I edited the header stuff. To turn on the light ring, etc. And to show the tool name. That was after seeking some advice on that in this forum if I remember correctly.
Ahhh was worried someone at Vectric did that! Phew.. Ok. Then you can semicolon format comments instead ; this comment (may contain brackets) Should work Double brackets (this comment (contains a comment)) is bad