Hi everyone, This is my first time posting here and I had some questions about accuracy measurements for the Nema 23 High Torque series. I wanted a belt driven system for a couple different axes. For my Y-axis I wanted two motors to be able to pull a 97.9 N payload and my X-axis to pull a payload of 30.3 N. I want to reach a resolution of 0.1 mm and an accuracy of 0.2 mm in both axes. I read up on the accuracy measurements for the motor and it had a resolution of 1.8 degrees +- 5%. I am assuming that this would be a +- of 0.09 degrees? I also read Rob's actuator testing, but the accuracy readings there do not include with a payload, does anyone have insight on how the payload will affect the accuracy measurements? Any help would be appreciated, thank you guys so much.