Hi, as always, my project of just extending my neje max4 went overboard, at least I kept the laser - that one is really good. I do have a 2000mm x 1000mm acro system (photos will follow), am rather happy with it. Is there any reason/advantage to use excentric nuts? I am anyhow conemplating replacing the side plates with laser cut steel ones; I might as well change the system to excentric nuts - if there is an advantage. Thanks
Slots work better for acrylic plates.. Eccentrics provide too much clamping force, can cause acrylic plates to crack. So we only use eccentrics on Aluminum plates.
Thank you, makes sense, when I used the other alu-rail with the former clamping force, the whole acrylic was bending. What thickness can you recommend for Alu? I would have taken steel and sprayed it, but alu seems fine also. Our go-to 6mm steel is for sure slightly overkill. Maybe you can also point to a design I can use for the plate, i am not sure about the distance. Maybe still use the slot and then tighten it at the top with an excentric nut. would just need to laser a bigger drill hole at the top and thats it.
Our plates are usually 6mm Alu, but our Universal gantry plate is 3mm Alu and still works great. All our plate files are available in the Resources section on the menu above ^