Sorry i had been not clearer in my drawing. Pot is grounded on ground pin. so I have pot wired this way: "GND,IN,5v" I had been testing with several lightburn configs and with pot set to max I have 10mA, it stays in 10mA when rotating pot conterclockwise till I reach half of pot range, then it keeps going down when i rotate por til it reaches 0mA. its like for some reason its capped to 10mA max aprox. But if i use test button it can fire to whatever I set the pot ( i had been carefull to not pas 20mA mark)
Confirm that gcode from Lightburn, when you set 100%, has M3S1000s in the file? (and not like M3S255)
Ok, I didnt know what was the problem but now it works. I found that lowering velocity setting to 300 mm/min laser started to fire at desired power. I deleted the machine setup, created a new one with same values and now it fires as intended at any set velocity. Thanks for your help.
this post is old, but it was exactly what i was missing in my configuration, i had not been getting the correct milliamps until I connected the 5v to in. Now my laser is actually burning and cutting like its supposed to. I recently added an amMeter to my laser and to my surprise I was only getting around 10ma even at full power. I had it like that for almost 2 years.