Hello, I was trying to setup the interface, and after I updated its firmware, blackbox now completely refuses to work. I had to update it as well. However, now all switches and the probe are in constant state of trigger, which means the machine is not jogging at all.
Did you remember to load a machine profile on the Grbl Settings tab > Select a machine from the list > Save and Reset? Update itself would not cause it, unless you selected the Flash "and erase settings" option during the flashing, in which case, you do have to select the machine profile again to put settings on it
Thank you, Peter. This was the problem indeed. Interestingly, when I tried to put interface back in, it wiped firmware off of my blackbox again. And if \I want to update firmware on interface through control - it keeps wiping the blackbox firmware off. I tried updating firmware of interface through the flashdrive, however whatever I click on interface just reboots it without any action. This is what I see in the interface after it wipes out blackbox's firmware.
Possible you have both plugged in at the same time? If so, focussing on which has which com port makes it harder than just doing one at a time Interface cannot "wipe" firmware from BlackBox. But accidentally picking the wrong port in the flashing tool can.