Hi Guys im new to Openbuilds and xbox 32, I built my 1010 lead machine this summer. it was a struggle with many learning curves and learning vcarvePro. I fumbled thru my last large job of making CNC plaqued numbers for mailboxes. that was a few months ago. i turn everything on today and last night and its not responding. I flashed the software with the wizard tool. but still nothing the grbl software is responding but nothing with my x, y, z axis moving at all. lights are on but no ones home im to new cant figure it out can anyone shed some light on here?
Did you remember to load a machine profile from Grbl Settings tab > Select machine from the list > Save and reset when prompted. Even if you did, reload it perhaps you reset the EEPROM accidentally at some point. If thw profile is correct, then check Power Supply All it needs to move motors is a valid machine profile and incoming power
I think I did, but I,will try to work this process again as you said above. I did discover last night after posting that the power supply running from my supply box to the black box 32 had come loose. I was sure this was the fix and plugged it back in but to my surprise the motors still never gave me that “CLICK” sound like they were super powered and ready to go. BUT to my surprise they did act like they were trying to move. I asked it to move 1mm in any direction and the motor (the best I can describe it) moves like 1cm or makes a sound like it wants to move and it does this same thing when I ask it to move 1mm or 10mm or 100mm. I will post again later when I get out to the shop thanks for the response Peter