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Amateur - Rolling Triple Monitor Stand

Discussion in 'Other Builds' started by MoebiusUK, Oct 17, 2020.

  1. MoebiusUK

    MoebiusUK New

    Oct 16, 2020
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    Hi all

    I'm completely new to all of this but I have a problem that I'm looking to build a solution for. I'm thinking of buying a triple monitor stand in this style:


    I need it to sit on my desk and be able to push and pull the leg along the feet. The idea was that I would screw the feet to the table from underneath (red lines) and maybe use a grantry cart with steel wheels to roll it back and forth (blue lines) on a V-Slot rail. See below:


    The problem is, the stand + monitors will come to around 30KG and I really do not want it tip over when moving. Is there a gantry cart that doesn't just sit on the rail? Obviously I need it to freely move but also unable to lift off easily. Also, I'm assuming 30KG for the steel wheels should be fine, even if it is a bit of a load to move around.

    Does anyone have any thoughts?

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