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AMB Spindle 1400 FME-P DI/Speed Control/Workbee

Discussion in 'General Electronics' started by Mace, May 17, 2020.

  1. Mace

    Mace New

    May 17, 2020
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    I have a Problem with the electronics part of the spidnle mentioned in the Title - maybe someone could help me out.

    I want to control the Spindle Speed with an Potentiometer and read out the Rpm on an Lcd screen. (no need for Control over the software - would be nice though)

    It needs an 0-10v output signal to control the rpm of the spindle, but my Duet controller doesnt have that.
    Do i need an VFD for something like this?

    I have no idea how to make this work and would really appreciate some help.

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