I wanted to see if anyone was running 2 separate iot relay power strips? 1 for the spindle and 1 for dust extraction? My spindle is the RouteER11 and my dust extractor is a bucktool that's 1hp 6.5A. Is that a little much for a single iot relay. If your running 2 of them, how did you wire in both?
I ran my vac and router off of 1 with no issues. If you want to run two, the easiest thing to do is just run another set of signal wires from the bb to other iot. They will both come on with the a spindle on command. If you want to control them separately, then run the second off the coolant command: docs:blackbox-4x:connect-coolant [OpenBuilds Documentation]
@sharmstr Thanks for the quick reply, if it's safe running both off a single iot then I'll do that. I'll be using the coolant for my spindle led light and then the iot will be for spindle and dust extraction. The m8 and m9 command will turn both things on and off as long as they're both plugged into the iot's NO sockets and the commands are in the header and footer correct?