After I blew up my BlackBox 32x, I decided to go with a custom Arduino build instead. I have an Arduino Uno Rev 3 that I was able to flash with the GRBL 1.1 and connect to the CONTROL software using the USB port (on my Mac that I struggled with on the BlackBox). My question is - has any one added a WIFI module to their Arduino so they can upload GCODE files to CONTROL remotely? I am pretty new to Arduino - I found this module that seems like it would work - Wifi Esp Click. My question is what would I need to do to send a file to CONTROL via WIFI? Thanks in advance
CONTROL is on you MAC! Having a WiFi module on the Arduino will not help getting the file to CONTROL You have to get the file to your MAC.
Trying to get the files from my Mac to the Arduino without having to have a USB cable connected. Also considering Bluetooth as an option
what you need is an Interface, that will allow both direct control and wifi control of your machine INTERFACE CNC Touch
Not wifi control, just wifi upload of gcode. docs:interface:wifi-upload [OpenBuilds Documentation] Only the X32 (grblhal on a 32 bit microcontroller, not 2016 grbl on an Uno) allows CONTROL to connect over Wifi