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Auto probe outside dimensions of work piece

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Pidiln, Aug 27, 2024.

  1. Pidiln

    Pidiln New

    Sep 20, 2019
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    I am looking at options available to find center of work piece by probing the outside dimensions, hopefully as fully automated as possible.
    I have looked at several touch probes available, but am not sure how to make them work with OpenBuilds.
    Any suggestions/advice is greatly appreciated. TIA
  2. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    this probe can be used
    in conjunction with a custom build of grblHAL for the Blackbox X32 that includes the macro options

    With all that you can write macros with logic and math in them that runs from the SD card in the BB.
    Hmmm, might be possible without the logic, then it can run direct from Gcode, but you still need the math so you can probe left, probe right, and find the center point with things like
    center=(left + right) / 2
    The basic probing code is already available with our fusion360 postprocessor for probing X, Y or Z surface (probe Z first), and an XY corner.

    Since I don't yet have a proper probe I have only fiddled with the basics, which should work in theory. If someone can ship me a good probe ..... (-:
    Pidiln likes this.
  3. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    You can do a standard probe on the front/left corner and enter stock dimensions quite easily to do center origin

    CONTROL > Probing Wizard > XYZ Probe > Click ADVANCED button > Pick CENTER, and enter Width and Height (Probe still on front left corner, but zero will be set to center (half width and half height after probing the F/L corner)


    Automatic probing from the egdes are tricky, need to use a probe that fits in the collet for example. Can be done with an existing javascript macro, but the built in way is way easier, and definately "good enough" - not that hard to measure the stock.
    Pidiln and David the swarfer like this.
  4. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    just threw this together
    this relies on having the 'variables and expressions' option compiled into grblHAL for the Blackbox X32

    This will probe inside a circle to find center,
    first edit the diameters etc in the .nc file
    then probe Z height on top of the material (if you need actual Z0 somewhere else, probe it after using this)
    then move probe tip to about the center of the circle and run this code
    probe will be at calculated center of circle when it finishes, click the 'setZeroXY' button to capture it.
    I will look at outside tomorrow, been called for supper (-:
    G90 G94 G17
    (probe inside circle that is greater than 4*probe tip diameter)
    (set these values, and set G20 above if you want to, then set all values in inches)
    #500=20 ; inside diameter of circle to probe
    #501=4  ; depth to probe at, set Z=0 at top of circle before running this
    #502=6  ; probe tip diameter
    #600=1234   ; fast feedrate for probe in mm/min - change if you change to inches
    #601=97     ; slow feedrate for probe - must be the same rate at which probe was calibrated
    (put probe roughly in the center of the circle, above Z=0)
    (descend into circle)
    G0 Z-#501
    (probe x+)
    G91  ; move relative
    G38.2 X[#500*0.75] F#600   ; probe fast
    G0 X[-#502*3]              ; retract 3*ball diam
    G38.2 X[#500*0.75] F#601   ; probe slow
    #1002=#5061                ; store probed position
    G0 X[-#500/2]              ; retract to approx X center
    (probe X-)
    G38.2 X[-#500*0.75] F#600  ; probe fast
    G0 X[#502*3]               ; retract 3*ball diam
    G38.2 X[-#500*0.75] F#601  ; probe slow
    #1003=#5061                ; store probed position
    #1000=[[#1003+#1002]/2]   ; calc X center
    G90                        ; move absolute
    G0 X[#1000]                ; move to probed X center
    (probe Y+)
    G38.2 Y[#500*0.75] F#600   ; probe fast
    G0 Y[-#502*3]              ; retract
    G38.2 Y[#500*0.75] F#601   ; probe slow
    #2004=#5062                ; store position
    G0 Y[-#500/2]              ; back to approx center
    (probe Y-)
    G38.2 Y[-#500*0.75] F#600  ; probe fast
    G0 Y[#502*3]               ; retract
    G38.2 Y[-#500*0.75] F#601  ; probe slow
    #2003=#5062                ; store position
    #2000=[[#2003+#2004]/2]    ; calc Y center
    G0 Y#2000 ; move to Y center
    (optional - one might reprobe X here since first X probe was offset in Y)
    G0 Z[#502*4]  ; retract Z to 4*probe tip

    Attached Files:

    Pidiln likes this.
  5. Misterg

    Misterg Veteran
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 27, 2022
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    #5 Misterg, Aug 27, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2024
    Pidiln and Peter Van Der Walt like this.
  6. Pidiln

    Pidiln New

    Sep 20, 2019
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    Thanks for everyone’s reply’s. I have ordered a probe and will begin testing soon !
  7. David the swarfer

    David the swarfer OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Aug 6, 2013
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    just threw this together
    this relies on having the 'variables and expressions' option compiled into grblHAL for the Blackbox X32

    This will probe OUTSIDE a circle or square to find center,
    first edit the diameters etc in the .nc file
    then probe Z height on top of the material (if you need actual Z0 somewhere else, probe it after using this)
    then move probe tip to about the center of the circle and run this code
    probe will be at calculated center of circle when it finishes, click the 'setZeroXY' button to capture it.

    outside is a bit more complicated than inside...
    note this code has not been run on anything except my mind, use at your own risk
    G90 G94 G17
    (probe OUTSIDE circle or rectangle)
    (set these values, and set G20 above if you want to, then set all values in inches)
    #500=40 ; outside diameter of circle to probe
    #501=4  ; depth to probe at, set Z=0 at top of circle before running this
    #502=6  ; probe tip diameter
    #600=1234   ; fast feedrate for probe in mm/min - change if you change to inches
    #601=97     ; slow feedrate for probe - must be the same rate at which probe was calibrated
    (probe Z on top surface, then)
    (put probe roughly in the center of the circle, within 3*balldiam, above Z=0)
    (probe X+ side)
    G91 ; move relative
    G0 X[#500/2 + 3*#502]   ; move right
    G0 Z0
    G0 Z-#501 ; descend
    (prob to the left)
    G38.2 X[-#502*6] F#600  ; probe fast
    G0 X[#502*3]            ; retract 3*ball diam
    G38.2 X[-#502*6] F#601  ; probe slow
    #1002=#5061             ; store probed position
    G0 X[#502*3]            ; retract 3*ball diam
    G0 Z[#502*2]            ; raise up
    (now move to left side X-)
    G0 X[-#500 + -6*#502]           
    G90 G0 Z0
    G0 Z-#501                  ; descend
    (probe X+ direction)
    G38.2 X[#502*6] F#600      ; probe fast
    G0 X[-#502*3]              ; retract 3*ball diam
    G38.2 X[#502*6] F#601      ; probe slow
    #1003=#5061                ; store probed position
    #1000=[[#1003+#1002]/2]    ; calc X center
    G0 X[-#502*3]              ; retract 3*ball diam
    G90                        ; move absolute
    G0 Z[#502*2]               ; raise
    G0 X[#1000]                ; move to probed X center
    (probe Y+)
    G0 Y[#500/2 + 3*#502]      ; move Y+
    G90 G0 Z0   
    G91 G0 Z-#501              ; lower
    G38.2 Y[-#502*6] F#600     ; probe fast
    G0 Y[#502*3]               ; retract
    G38.2 Y[-#500*6] F#601     ; probe slow
    #2004=#5062                ; store position
    G0 Y[#502*3]               ; retract
    G90 G0 Z[#502*2]           ; raise
    G0 Y[-[#500 + #502*6]]       ; over to near side
    (probe Y- side)
    G90 G0 Z0
    G91 G0 Z-#501
    G38.2 Y[#502*6] F#600      ; probe fast
    G0 Y[-#502*3]              ; retract
    G38.2 Y[#502*6] F#601      ; probe slow
    #2003=#5062                ; store position
    #2000=[[#2003+#2004]/2]    ; calc Y center
    G0 Y[-#502*3]              ; retract
    G0 Z[#502*2]   ; raise
    G0 Y#2000      ; move to Y center
    (optional - one might reprobe X here since first X probe was offset in Y)
    G53 G0 Z[-#502*2]  ; retract Z in MCS
  8. Pidiln

    Pidiln New

    Sep 20, 2019
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    Thanks for that code. You are very generous. I will use at my own risk. Pretty much that’s most of what do any in learning my CNC. Seems like the more I learn, the more I want / need to learn.
    David the swarfer likes this.

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