Hi All Has anybody got experience with installing automatic tool changer to their CNC? I've tried contacting the manufacturers but they haven't been very clear, at-least to me in whether this would work or not? I wanted to buy the Ratrig Killerbee > Blackbox control and interface Then add an automatic tool changer > I came across stepcraft I wonder, would the blackbox control and fusion360 allow me to set up tool locations? If not, is it possible to get it to work? and how? Thanks
Hi Peter, thanks for the response. Can I swap out the BlackBox controller for something else, maybe StepCrafts controls and run that on the Killerbee? Or do you know of better alternatives? Duet 3? Duet 3 Mainboard 6HC Controller Board - Genuine UK Supplier
What Fusion 360 license do you have? - the personal use license doesn't allow post processing more than one tool, so you wouldn't be able to implement tool changes with that either. Alex.
Couldn't that be overcome by combining two files manually with the needed/correct GRBL command joining them?
In that scenario, the toolchange may as well be manual too (even if you have a toolchanger, using Macros) in between files. Works fine