I am in the process of developing a simple user interface to control my custom machine (the machine is powered by a BackBox X32). A couple of questions: What is the command to clear the BlackBox alarm? I am sending "$X" to the BackBox but nothing happens. Why do jogging commands start with "$J ="? From what I read, I think is a special prefix that allows the system to cancel the command immediately if something goes wrong such as a limit switch alarm is triggered, is that the case? Is the "$J =" prefix only good for Jogging commands? What is the significant of commands that start with "$"? Are those GRBL specific commands while commands that start with "G" are G-Code specific commands?. Thanks.
See Grbl v1.1 Interface and Grbl v1.1 Commands Apart the command, do you have the queue management, newlines after commands ("$X\n" for example) etc? See Grbl v1.1 Jogging See Grbl v1.1 Commands and Grbl v1.1 Configuration In essence yes
Nothing appears to be working, no matter what command I send ($X, $X\n, $X\r\n, you name it). I did noticed that after the limit switch is triggered (the event what raises the alarm) I get the following message: [MSG:Reset to continue] Does that mean that the only way to get the BlackBox to respond is to do a reset? Is that what you guys do on your Control software? If yes, what commands do you guys send to do the reset and clear the alarm? In other words, what does your "Unlock Alarm" buttons send to the BlackBox to get things working? Usually the Control software shows the commands that are being sent but when it comes to unlocking the alarm, I don't see the commands on the log? Thanks.
Thank you, I think there is more to this that meet the eye, I have tried sending that command but nothing happens (other alarms clear ok whit that command but it appears that any alarm that follows the [MSG:Reset to continue] will not clear out with that command. Just to make sure I am communicating correctly, can you tell me what commands are sent to the BlackBox when I click the "Unlock Alarm" on your Control software (see screenshot below)? If the answer is the same that you gave me before.... do you know why would the reset / alarm not clear out? Thanks.
Do you happen to know what the GRBL reset command is? I tried to look for it but I was not able to find it. Thanks.