Need some help finding the cause of my bits chattering only in the Y+ direction (no chatter in the Y- direction). I have a fresh Freud 75-102 upcut bit. I am running at 12000 rpm, 1200 mm/s feed, (.05 mm chip load) with a 40% step over, and 0.125" pass depth. Climb cutting. I have made sure my back lash is set correctly. I tested a conventional cut and this lead to chatter in the x+ direction, and no chatter in the x- or y directions. What can I do to eliminate this chatter?
Update for anyone who finds this thread later, I was digging through another CNC forum and found that if your Router is placed with the majority of the body below the mount/clamp you can create a level leading to chatter. Simple fix, have less of your router hanging below the mount.