Does the Black Box controller work directly with the output of JointCam, G-Code RS-274D, or does it need to be modified, run though something else like Vectric or something prior to loading into Black Box. I am used to saving from Vectric to a thumb drive then running directly my Shark on their pendant. This process keeps the saw dust out of my laptop, which is in a dust free space. It would be a great new feature to be able to run the Black Box from a thumb drive. Thanks, Tex
Hello, I've got JointCAM and it works perfectly with the OpenBuilds Control Software and GRBL on my xPro card (in your case JointCAM -->Open Builds Control Software --> Black Box controller). I would imagine that Black Box works much better than my xPro card but I haven't managed to break it yet so sadly unable to justify buying the Black Box controller (emphasis on yet) Cheers Adam
Thanks for verifying that it works. Looks like pretty neat software. The BlackBox is great, but I think the only reason to get it if you already have the xPro is the more powerful drivers (there's other reasons if you if its your first controller). So rest assured that there's no reason to fork out money just yet