After hooking up my lead1010 To the black box no motor moved it they should have. One moved both directions when pushing x+. I can assume red,blue,green yellow out from nema is not same as red,blue, green yellow out. Does anyone have SPAM nema23 motors hooked up to a black box that is willing to share your color code.
Also just to test I took my z motor off unplugged all motors and put it in y to see if it would act different it didn’t. So I’m assuming it’s a wiring issue
Check your coil pairs with a multimeter in ohm-meter mode (find the two pairs that give a reading, mark as Coil1, remaining two is Coil2. Wire 1,1,2,2 onto connector
So 1,1 say red, yellow it doesn’t matter which is in spot one or two it just matters if they are pairs ?
Get it running first, then if its running in the wrong direction, you can reverse the order (1234 becomes 4321)