Hi I have the older black box and it has been working trouble free for many years. However today I accidentally shorted out the wiring from a limit switch (while doing some maintenance) which caused the BB and my host computer to instantly shut down. The computer is OK but the black box isn't working. The power bus for the motors no longer operates, have checked fuses and even swapped them for another BB fuse we have running another machine but sadly not working. I tried re-flashing the box in case something happened there but it doesn't help it just keeps attempting to flash but returns the following error: [14:05:05] [ Firmware Upgrade ] A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: No serial data received. For troubleshooting steps visit: Troubleshooting - ESP32 - — esptool.py latest documentation [14:05:05] [ Firmware Upgrade ] [exit:2] [14:05:05] [ Firmware Upgrade ] Firmware Update FAILED! Please review the logs above, or try again Can anyone suggest anything else I should try or is it a full replacement job? Thanks so much
Sadly that would be replacement, shorting limits is usually bad (microcontroller, onboard voltage regulators, and several other components at the same time) nothing you can salvage Luckilly its an older one, so nice chance to upgrade to the new X32
Sadly no. Just tips for next time: never work with power on (including USB power) around wiring and always double check wiring before re-applying power. Shorts can happen, but if a short happens while powered up, things go worse
Just ordered the X32, am guessing I can use my existing motor/limit/tool head wiring that I have this older damaged one? Also, can the WiFi aspect be switched off via jumper or similar, I would like to use this USB only as Wifi gives me headaches - will be really happy if it does!
And yes, good call for the tip on maintenance, usually do that, got lazy today, paid the price for it - live and learn!
- Wifi is off by default (Can be enabled, but not needed. USB is awesome) docs:blackbox-x32:wifi_setup [OpenBuilds Documentation] - Tool head wiring changed a little (split the old 4-pin connector into couple of 2-pin ones for clarity - same names, just moved around): See docs:blackbox-x32:layout [OpenBuilds Documentation] - Limits and Motors stayed same - Grbl Settings: Use latest CONTROL to restore last good backup (hopefully have a backup) - and it will change relevant settings where they differ between Grbl and grblHAL automatically for you. Without a backup, pick machine (or nearest similar machine) from list in CONTROL. - USB: Just remember to install updated drivers, X32 uses a different USB chip, so old FTDI drivers won't see new chip: docs:blackbox-x32:install-drivers [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thank you Peter awesome info! Pretty sure I backed up the machine settings in control, but if not, I'll just go through and tinker with the settings. I have the older workbee 1010 with a modification of three milling heads for triple production, so that may not be on there as I noticed you don't do that model anymore?
That's true, but if you do get stuck, shout - might be able to go dig one out for you from the archives, otherwise nearest similar (1010 was all leadscrew right? So LEAD1010 will do)
Oh, just one last question, sorry! You mentioned that the X32 uses grblHAL and not the original grbl format. Will that mean I can use the original g-code generated in fusion360 (for grbl) for our work pieces, or will I have to POST it again under grblHAL? Thanks so much Peter deeply appreciated!
Thanks Peter! Yes will try the leadscrew 1010 if not . And just the last question from above "...You mentioned that the X32 uses grblHAL and not the original grbl format. Will that mean I can use the original g-code generated in fusion360 (for grbl) for our work pieces, or will I have to POST it again under grblHAL?" Thank you so much Peter!
we do recommend using our OB post for GRBL based machines just in case you are not (-: docs:software:fusion360 [OpenBuilds Documentation]