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Black box interface

Discussion in 'General Talk' started by Phil_Caswell, Sep 3, 2023.

  1. Phil_Caswell


    Sep 3, 2023
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    I'm new to this forum.
    I've recently purchased a blackbox X32 and the interface to run as a standalone system.
    I'm building a home build Cnc router. I've got it all set up and can run XYZ no problems.
    What I'm wondering is if there is a way to display the workpiece co-ordinates rather than machine? I'm told @Peter Van Der Walt may be able to help?
    Alex Chambers likes this.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Make sure you have $10=511 in your Grbl Settings
  3. Phil_Caswell


    Sep 3, 2023
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    I will give it a go. Thank you
  4. Scott_Richardson


    Jun 18, 2024
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    I've just purchased the Blackbox X32. Like the OP, I'm configuring the box for my CNC machine. I've looked into the grbl websites/wiki (grbl/doc/markdown/change_summary.md at master · gnea/grbl), and the docs say:

    • The ability to mask and add/remove data fields from status reports via the $10 status report mask setting has been disabled. Only selecting MPos: or WPos: coordinates is allowed.
    So, why are we setting $10=511, and where is this written? How would a new user know this? Maybe I've missed something in the OpenBuilds documents and WIKI.
  5. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Thats what CONTROL and Interface needs to work - we expect certain fields in the response

    Use CONTROL > Grbl Settings > Select machine from list as expected of any new user. No one is expecting a new user to do the advanced settings by hand, thats why we have profiles... CUSTOM is an option on that list for good reason too. Start with our template and customize from there. Its also preprogrammed with that from the factory. Only way a new user would get that wrong is if they go off track, start changing defaults and ignore the profiles we provide

    You did maybe miss that its grblHAL (only read the Grbl wiki per your first section of your post), Additional or extended settings should be read along with it. BUT - don't change settings just-because, our profiles sets up key settings for you, changing them will break things.

    $10 = <report mask> = bitmask where bit 0 = machine_position, 1 = buffer_state, 2 = line_numbers, 3 = feed_speed, 4 = pin_state, 5 = work_coord_offset, 6 = overrides, 7 = probe_coordinates, 8 = sync_on_wco_change, 9 = parser_state, 10 = alarm_substate, 11 - run substate
  6. Scott_Richardson


    Jun 18, 2024
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    Thanks so much for the quick response. I'm setting up a previously owned machine with the new BB X32, and I'm getting ready to build a branch new machine myself, so I'm in the process of discovery with all of this. Been at it a while, but new to the OpenBuilds community and equipment. Just trying to understand what all the settings are, and why they have the settings they do. Cheers!

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