I hooked up my new black box to my minimill with high torque steppers, and can't get any jogging or movement to the steppers. It's all powered up except the steppers, I'm getting 24v out of my power supply, on the side of the black box I have a green light, and a red blinking light on the USB (see photo) (but yet the USB shows connected and connects in the software. the mill works fine with my custom controller so I know the steppers work, Is the box not powerful enough for the high torque steppers open builds sell? Is the blinking red light on the USB the issue? I can't find documentation on the lights.
Yes, more than enough power for the high torque motors. In the two blackboxes I've had my hands on, the power LED does not line up with the power icon on the case so even if its on, you cant tell by looking at that. Does the fan come on when you turn the power on? Red light on the USB is normal.
I tried the switch both ways, the fan does not come on. I did a test with my multi meter to the screws on the plug that goes into the black box and get 24v. is it a bad board?
Not necessarily, though it could be. Did you check the 10amp fuse? Are you sure you have + and - wires coming in correctly? Do the motors energize (sorry for the obvious question, but you weren't clear on that).
I figured it out, I was using the wrong 2 pin male adapter, I was using one of the smaller ones. My bad