I’m having a issue running laser Gcode on the black box I’m thinking I have something wrong in the settings I’m running the lead machine 1515 with the laser module default settings normal clip art or font burns without any issues but if I try to burn a photo which will obviously use the pmw it will run the gcode and go through all the motions the laser will come on and flashes as though the pmw is working but seems as if it’s not firing at a power high enough to burn to the wood I’ve tried making the tool path on V carve pro with the laser module tool path even set at 100% not photo burned thinking it was an issue in software in vcarve I tried use light burn and save a tool path using that software but still the same issue machine moves around laser comes on burn anything on to the material has anyone run into this problem before any input is greatly appreciated
Thank you I took your advice read up on it played around with my settings I had my 3D viewer system disabled in the Open builds controller software i reenabled it And it started to burn the photos again but only smaller Goode file about 8MB 5 in squares photo soon as I start to get bigger in file size the program takes along time to render the 3D and ultimately crashes I’m thinking after reading the notation on the 3D viewer controls to use for slower computers that possibly my computer is to slow to process the information I’m uploading a couple screenshots of my computers specs can you tell me where my computer capabilities should be so I can start looking for an upgrade if that is my issue just an FYI I did go through any unused programs and shut down any unneeded startup programs or background programs did my virus check system issues perfect for its capabilities
Irrespective of the PC specs, some files are just going to be hard to render - lots of small moves for example. Enable/Disable 3D viewer as needed - its nice and pretty, but does use a lot of resources Or try LightBurn - its built in Sender is a lot faster too: See docs:software:lightburn [OpenBuilds Documentation] and Lightburn
Thank you for your help I already have lightburn installed i was initially saving the gcode from there and trying it on the open builds controller i love your user interface it’s so easy I’ve been teaching my 9 year old son how to use it but that will be my next step is to try running it directly through light burn if that solves my problem I’ll just dedicate light burn just for my laser projects and keep the open builds software for my router projects