So, I bought a Black Box a few months back and have been successfully running X, Y and Z axis during testing. Since I'm building a plasma table, I put ferrite EMF shields on all wires yesterday (limit switches, motor wire, etc). This morning I fired everything up and none of the motors will turn. Normally when I power the system you can hear the motors 'lock' in position when they 1st get power but this morning...nothing. Jogging fails to do anything. Connection from either Openbuilds Control or Universal G-Code sender seems normal but nothing will power the motors. My question...would the EMF shields have anything to do with this or did the Black Box just go to 'Never-Never' land and installing EMF shields was just coincidental?
Thank you Peter. The $4 had toggled to 0. Setting it to 1 got me back in business! In between putting the EMF filters on and my 1st failed test...I also noted that Openbuilds Control updated to the latest version. Might that have been the reason it got toggled to 0?
Very unlikely, the regular updates just replaces the application with a newer version. It will NEVER change Grbl settings on its own that would just be bad on us!