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Black box X32 probe issues

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by Joe hoffman, May 2, 2023.

  1. Joe hoffman


    Sep 30, 2021
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    I have upgraded a nema 17 Machine with the black box, I’ve done it once before with the x4, this time the probe won’t work.

    I keep getting:

    error: 9 - g code locked out during alarm or jog state [G4 P0.4]

    this error may just be a symptom of an earlier event:

    alarm:4 - probe fail. The probe is not in the expected initial state before starting probe cycle , where G38.2 and G38.2 is not triggered and G38.4 and G38.5 is triggered.

    I have checked all wiring, even unplugged the probe, unplugged my limit switches even.

    in the troubleshooting panel I can’t
    Make any of the inputs change state, so seems to be a disconnect there.
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    1) Did you follow all the setup instructions in the BlackBox docs? Especially section 7.1 (read 7.2 as well) - up to date firmware is a must

    2) The Initial State issue could also indicate you haven't loaded a machine profile: either from the dropdown menu in Grbl Settings, or by restoring your Backup taken of the 4X using CONTROL > Grbl Settings backup settings / restore settings (CONTROL will apply needed changes for you, such as pin inversions, etc during the Restore process when you restore a 4X backup onto a new X32)

    The Inputs not reflecting in Troubleshooting is further evidence of (2) as well, as the profiles/restore would have set the report masks for you. If you didn't use the profiles, or a restore, and instead tried building the Grbl settings manually, some are incorrect at the moment (notable $6, $10 but possibly a lot of others too - better to use the tools than try to figure out the wrong ones one-at-a-time)

    With the above two tasks (firmware update and loading a machine profile) you should be up and running again.

    Also, the above mentioned tools - requires the latest version of CONTROL of course so make sure that's up to date too: v1.0.367 at the time of this reply - if not download from OpenBuilds Software: OpenBuilds CONTROL and OpenBuilds CAM
  3. Joe hoffman


    Sep 30, 2021
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    Yeah. Looks like my $10 bit mask was wrong, so that got my troubleshooting working, then I needed to invert the probe one. Now it seems I need a firmware update so trying to get python3 to symlink to python.
  4. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
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    Or just borrow a Windows machine for the quick update, Mac and Python paths can sometimes be tricky

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