My router was working fine using blackbox and openbuilds software. I removed the m5/m3 jumper to try and get my diode laser working. I have put the jumper back and plugged my router back in the black box exactly how everything was previously. Now my router won’t turn on using m3 command. The command does show up on the control console. Also the “tool on” light doesn’t show up on the blackbox
Did a quick test with CONTROL 1.0.282 and it works this end. Your settings looks correct as well Try after power cycling blackbox and then rebooting the PC?
Still nothing in Serial Console? If not: Which version are you on? Which specific Menu item are you clicking under Tool On? Press ctrl+shift+i > Click the Console Tab in Devtools > Click Tool On option again, any errors popup in devtools log? Or if it DOES show up in the console, but does not Switch the spindle: Then its more likely wiring
Yeah it’s showing in the console, I’ve got my katsu router set up through a solid state relay so il check all that even though it was fine on last use. Il just have to endure the pain of switching on and off manually for a bit haha
Ok Good, then Grbl/CONTROL side is likely fine. Recheck the wiring, if you want us to take a look, add pictures