PORT ERROR: Writing to COM port (GetOverlappedResult): Unknown error code 31 Sometimes it runs for 5 mins other times 1min but I always get this error I have USB selective suspend setting set to disabled I have tried 3 different laptops and now a PC all using either win 10 or now win 7 with our without updates I have tried 10 different usb cables I have moved blackbox away from power source trying to limit any EMI interference I have checked and rechecked all wiring including micro switches (found 1 issue but has no effect) 3 weeks I have been fighting this and I'm getting nowhere - I'm at the point of getting rid of my blackbox in favor of another driver it's driving me up the wall. I have also noticed after I reset the connection and run the program again it goes a little further than the last, so if I run it 10 times I might finish what I'm cutting. I must be missing something surely
Well that one is new..... checking for updates mid program???? Code: [21:34:37] [ G2 X-1.749 Y545.664 Z1 I1.8 J0 ] ok [21:34:37] [ G1 X28.443 Y669.405 ] ok [21:34:37] [ X28.443 Y669.405 Z2 ] ok [21:34:37] [ X30.008 Y675.817 ] ok [21:34:37] [ X30.008 Y675.817 Z1 F333 ] ok [21:34:41] [ X60.104 Y799.167 F1000 ] ok [21:34:41] [ X40.371 Y896.987 ] ok [21:35:03] [ update ] Checking for Updates [21:35:04] [ update ] You are already running OpenBuilds CONTROL 1.0.207 [21:35:05] [ ] PORT ERROR: Writing to COM port (GetOverlappedResult): Unknown error code 31
well there you go, I just answered my own question - 11 USB cables later I finally found one that works, I'm assuming this was the issue I did however uninstall the COM port at the same time but it's been an on going issues across many different platforms as mentioned in the OP so I will put money on the USB cable. But thank the gods it's sorted!
In my recent bout of ongoing EMI issues, I looked a lot into a variety of USB cables for at least an entire afternoon, might have gone into the next day. I ended up going for this one, and it's been fantastic: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B003MQ29B2
Its funny Alex, the one that was faulty did have the Ferrite Chokes at one end only - it's replacement however has none and works fine (for now)
Thanks Rob, I notice that one has Ferrite Chokes at both ends - Might order me a couple if the one I have now stops working.
Whoa. Crazy. How far away is your setup from the PC / laptop running it? Greater than 16 ft? You're not using an extender or anything, right? I've had a lot of bad experiences with the ubiquitous "blue" usb cable that comes with a lot of project kits. They characteristically have a high impedance and horrible connectors / contacts. Bad for streaming data. Glad you solved it, though!
Just to add some technical explanation: Error 31 is the OS saying "The port you are trying to write to has gone away for a while, then came back, but since it came back you lost the handle on it and aren't really allowed to access it anymore. Closing the connection" - or something to that wording, tried to phrase it so it explains what the OS thinks hehe - of course it briefly dropped out because of EMI or a bad USB cable as you already know