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Blackbox Controller and limit switches

Discussion in 'Controller Boards' started by Todd Meigs, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. Todd Meigs


    Oct 4, 2021
    Likes Received:
    Testing limit switches

    Blackbox controller, Extension switch on X axis, No program g-code is loaded

    I am wanting to test the Blackbox Extension Switch limit switch manually on the Blackbox controller. I have wired it up and when I manually depress and engage the limit switch I see the X limit light up on the controller, which is good because I believe it is wired correctly. How ever if I jog the x axis manually with the controller and also depress the extension switch prior to the jogging the x-axis is complete, the X axis light limit light turns and the x axis continues move.

    I am assuming this is because the controller was told to do a manual jog command of 100 steps etc. and its not looking for X-axis limit switch because the appropriate code to tell it a limit switch is in use. Again an assumption on my part.

    Do I need to create g-code to make the controller aware of the limit of x was reached and to stop stepping on the axis?
  2. Peter Van Der Walt

    Peter Van Der Walt OpenBuilds Team
    Staff Member Moderator Builder Resident Builder

    Mar 1, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Did you remember to Enable the Hard Limits in Grbl Settings? Grbl v1.1 Configuration
    The Grbl Wiki is a must-read

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