Testing limit switches Blackbox controller, Extension switch on X axis, No program g-code is loaded I am wanting to test the Blackbox Extension Switch limit switch manually on the Blackbox controller. I have wired it up and when I manually depress and engage the limit switch I see the X limit light up on the controller, which is good because I believe it is wired correctly. How ever if I jog the x axis manually with the controller and also depress the extension switch prior to the jogging the x-axis is complete, the X axis light limit light turns and the x axis continues move. I am assuming this is because the controller was told to do a manual jog command of 100 steps etc. and its not looking for X-axis limit switch because the appropriate code to tell it a limit switch is in use. Again an assumption on my part. Do I need to create g-code to make the controller aware of the limit of x was reached and to stop stepping on the axis?
Did you remember to Enable the Hard Limits in Grbl Settings? Grbl v1.1 Configuration The Grbl Wiki is a must-read