Hello to all. Hopefully this post makes it to the correct location in the forum. I just completed the build of a Workbee 750 x 1000mm. The build turned out great and I'm excited to get this CNC router working. After looking at controller options I decided upon the Blackbox but have been unsuccessful in getting it to work. Here are the issues. 1. Red exclamation points associated with the X & Y axis. 2. Communication problems between the controller and my laptop which is a Macbook. I downloaded the needed software from Openbuilds.com and followed along with a Youtube video covering the connections of this device to the CNC. My router has limit switches on both ends of each axis. The Mac connected without issues and I verified that all the limit switches were functional. I installed the profile for a Workbee1010 since I didn't see my configuration listed. I was aware of the size issues but didn't feel at the moment that this would be a concern. Once I began to jog the machine the Z axis worked fine in both directions. One half of the Y axis also worked fine in both directions. The X axis did not work at all. I visually checked the wiring of all the motors and they were all correct. Each motor was plugged into the Z axis port and worked as expected. While I was doing this I noticed the "Red !" under the motor designation associated with the 2nd Y as well as the X axis. Referencing the documentation for the Blackbox this would indicate a problem with the motor/wiring. All motors worked fine on the Z axis. After a power off/on the "RED !" were visible even when there was no motor attached to those ports. At this point I just switched everything off and came to browse the forum for a possible solution. I didn't find anything that would seem to help. Came back a couple of hours latter to try things again and now the Blackbox won't even recognize my computer. Anyone have any ideas? - Mark -