Where can I find more info on the custom flashing tool? I have a blackbox, and I need to use it with an XY system. It's a pick & place system with an electromagnet used to grab & release the parts. A little tactile switch is depressed when the parts are held by the magnets. I'm planning to signal the electromagnet controller board via the spindle PWM and read the tactile switch via the probe pin and ? status commands. It looks like I can just use Control, open up the custom flashing tool, and select either 2 Axis or 2 Axis + RC Servo. What's the difference between the two? Thanks!
Our "2 axes" build is for the Acro, as the default Grbl setup wants a Z axis homing switch if homing is enabled, and you try to home. It errors out as the Z switch doesnt respond. So all we did was change the homing sequence exactly as per the grbl wiki here: gnea/grbl is cprezzi/grbl-servo - M3 S0-255 moves the servo. Servos have a different pulse length than spindles From Claudio's readme: