Hi I'm new here, I have the blackbox setup on the acro 510 machine using Openbuilds Control & CAM programs. For some reason I get this error msg, nothing moves or functions when I try to move the gantry. Anyone have any clues as to what I could be doing wrong? I have endstops in place too. Any help would greatly be appreciated. I plan on using Lightburn eventually too. "Please wait till machine is idle before use", kinda weird?
Not weird no, Grbl is locked out because either its in Alarm (flashing bell icon? click Clear Alarm) or its waiting on you to Home (click Home All or Unlock) A must read is the Grbl Wiki: github.com/gnea/grbl
Hi, I'm having the same issue on a leed 1010 but there is no alarms and the machine is homed, but as soon as I plug it in i get the alter to wait for it to be Idle before I try to Jog, I'm using the Blackbox x4
Please take a screenshot of the CONTROL window on Serial Terminal and on Troubleshooting tab for us to review thanks