So, I've had my blackbox for a couple of weeks now and it's been working great. But I had a question about the fan, is it supposed to be running the entire time the blackbox has power? It's kind of loud and obnoxious when the CNC isn't in use if I wanted to leave power going to the blackbox. The only reason I'm considering this is because I just got an Interface, and being able to upload gcode files to the interface through the network is nice, but rather inconvenient if I have to go out and turn the power on, then come back to my PC upload a file, then go back out again. By that point I may as well have just used a USB drive lol. Really wish the interface had a way to simply map a network drive that I could pull gcode files from, that is what I was doing with a PC connected to the CNC before I got the interface. Or even if I had to put the files on some type of webpage that the interface could access and pull files down from, that would still be a good solution IMO.
Fan is always on. If its very loud, check that ita not rubbing on the lid, sometimes they do, add a washer to space it away from the case. Or replace it with a quiet fan like a Noctua