Hi, I just assembled my first OpenBuilds machine--a Sphinx 55 with the BlackBox controller. One of my Y axis motors doesn't turn when I jog it from the OpenBuilds Control software, and as far as I can tell, it's a problem with the Y2 output of the controller. I have swapped cables to eliminate the possibility of a problem with either the cable or the motor. I double checked to be sure the slave jumper is in the right place. When I connect only a motor to the Y2 output and try to jog it, I do hear a faint sound, but the motor doesn't move. I tried increasing the driver current for the Y2 motor, which produced no change. When I use an oscilloscope to probe the motor outputs with no load, I see similar behavior from all 4 motor drivers (the signal steps, or pulses, between + and - 24 Volts with similar pulse widths). So there is no obvious difference in the output of the Y2 driver, with no load. It's as if the Y2 output yields the correct voltages for the motor, but isn't supplying current to move it. Has anyone observed similar behavior? Do you have any further suggestions for troubleshooting this issue? Thanks, Ben
The replacement board works perfectly (and the Sphinx 55 performs beautifully). Thank you Peter and OpenBuilds!