Im at a loss. when I run the calibration wizard I get it spot on to the 100mm it moves. I go and jog it 100mm and it goes less than the amount i specify. See the attached pics. Doing this makes my intended designs off in size. pics are named for the steps i did. "calibration" is that, "jog" is that. my bb is "stock" 1/8 microstepping. I even left the pots at the default setting for the current on the motors. Any help would be great. Thanks
Any 3rd party components? Adjusted Acceleration and Max rates down as a test yet? Adjusted jogging speed down from 100% as a test yet (too fast can stall, thus may need to tweak Max Rate)? Checked shaft coupler grub screws / shaft slippage yet?
Go to Grbl Settings tab, click BackUp Settings and upload the settings backup .txt file here for an check Which of our machine do you have? Also please answer above ^