Hi All I hope you can help me. I have a Workbee 1510 which is set up with the Blackbox controller. I think it is an awesome bit of kit but i have had a couple of issues with it getting stuck. What i mean by that is when it is doing a v carve and moves the axis is makes a noise like a clunk and stops in the wrong place then carves in the wrong place. At the same time it is resetting the zero position. I am using V carve software. I wondered if my laptop could be the issue although it is quite a good spec. Have you had any issues like this at all.
Check your Serial Console tab for some clues around the time the issue happens See if it reset or what happened. If it reset, refer docs:blackbox:faq-emi [OpenBuilds Documentation]
Thank you for your advise i will explore these options. I have to admit it wasn't something i had even considered!!
Hi Peter just to say that i moved the cables around a bit to clear them away from the controller, and any sources of EMI, earthed all three axis independently and connected these to the ground earth connection on the power supply input. Oiled the lead screws with a good quality dry grease and lowered the travel speed of all three axis in between movements etc.. All together it has cured the problem although i think powering the speeds has helped the most. I didn't see any instructions on setting these so they were at the default black box settings so i must have missed that.. Really happy now and everything working a treat. I have customer orders to complete tomorrow so it will be a good test for it all now.. Thank you so much for your help, much appreciated. Best John C