I've had a working blackbox for a year now and it's worked well. However I moved recently, packed the blackbox in a box, safely stored. The motors work, the limit switch work, I can run a job, but not the TTL of my laser. When I came to reassemble my cnc the TTL on the laser wouldn't work anymore. M3/M5 don't do anything and the power stays full. I measured the output of the blackbox and I get 0 volt and the laser works as if the TTL wasn't grounded. I used to be able to hear the relay open and close as the power of the laser was changed but I can't when running M3/M5 (I can when I plug/unplug the TTL). Although the PWM doesn't work anyway so idk. I figured screw it I'll upgrade the firmware on the blackbox and openbuilds control for good measure. No change. Is there a setting I could have inadvertently changed that could cause this? $0=10 $1=255 $2=0 $3=1 $4=1 $5=0 $6=0 $10=1 $11=0.020 $12=0.002 $13=0 $20=0 $21=1 $22=1 $23=7 $24=100.000 $25=1000.000 $26=250 $27=5.000 $30=1000 $31=0 $32=1 $100=57.143 $101=57.143 $102=57.143 $110=5000.000 $111=5000.000 $112=5000.000 $120=500.000 $121=500.000 $122=500.000 $130=1300.000 $131=1300.000 $132=70.000
And Is correct. In laser Mode, Grbl also needs a G1/2/3 to fire. Use the Tool On buttons in CONTROL - it handles that scenario for you and sends the correct sequence of commands. M3/M4 on its own just sets the mode (fixed or dynamic power) Read gnea/grbl it explains it in depth Ps: relay jumper should be removed when using a Laser. See docs:blackbox:jumper-relay [OpenBuilds Documentation] and also mentioned on the laser wiring pages
It's always on. Doesn't matter if what combination of M3/M5/G1-3. The lightning led on the side also never lights up.
Recheck the wiring. If the laser is always on, its most likely wired incorrectly. Settings looks good. LED on the side should only light up with the correct procedure (use the Tool on and Tool Off buttons in CONTROL, or a GCODE file for lasers) because you have Laser Mode turned on. M3 on its own won't do anything.