I'm trying to determine if I need to add a low-pass filter to the Blackbox PWM output typically used to control laser intensity. Looking through the specs for the accessory I find this: Program from 0 to 100% of rated output via a 0 to +5 volt, DAC-compatible, high-impedance programming input voltage. Also from the spec sheet, program current <100uA and <250msec response time (FULL LOAD, FULL-SCALE RESPONSE) Anyone care to weigh in on this esoteric application? Any help appreciated.
The real question is what PWM is accepted by your laser. (datasheet, or documentation) BlackBox runs on Grbl, so the default frequency is 1Khz
Thank for the quick response and info regarding the grbl PWM freq. I could only find the "0 to +5 volt, DAC-compatible, high-impedance programming input voltage" statement in the product sheet. How do lasers handle the PWM input? Not being an EE and this being an oddball application, I cannot determine what conditions would require a DAC or low-pass filter. I was just going to hook it up and turn it on until I read "DAC-compatible input voltage" line in fine print.
What kind of laser is it any link, picture, is it a CO2 laser etc Hard to give you info without knowing what you want to connect (;
It's a DC-DC High Voltage Converter. Takes a 12VDC input and and delivers a 0-5KV based on the 0-5VDC program input. I attached the spec sheet. The "detailed" product description is on page 3. And again, thanks for taking an interest in this. I appreciate the help.
It seems to want analog. Use the 0-10v output but add a 2:1 resistor voltage divider to halve it to 0-5v
Hi @Lerronious, the ratio Peter mentioned was the voltage ratio - you need two equal resistors wired in series. 10 volt output at one end, 0 volts (ground) at the other. The midpoint goes to the program input of your device. I would suggest two 5K ohm resistors would suit. Alex.